Audie Rose Design featured in Uppercase Magazine
Hi friends,
If you have ever picked up a copy of Uppercase Magazine then you know how excited I am to be featured in the Fresh Talent section of volume 45 that came out this month. Uppercase is one of the few (that I know of) magazines that is ad free and supported by subscriptions only. Because of this you get lots of great inspiring content and not one page that is skimmed simply because it’s an ad. Uppercase has been a source of inspiration and community for me. Since I live in rural Wyoming, staying connected and networking with other artists and designers can be challenging. Don’t get me wrong, there are LOTS of talented artist right here in Lander, but its fun to see what people are doing in other parts of the country and world. Uppercase does that for me.
Also featured in the Fresh Talent section is Martha L.A. Like me, Martha believes artwork is a great way to lift people up. I admire her focus on color and texture. Check out her collection titled Circles of Life on page 25 of Uppercase vol. 45.
Asma Enayeh also is featured on the Fresh Talent section of the magazine. She does beautiful illustrations with gouache and color pencils. Her inspiration is travel and her latest collection of work is portraits of girls with their favorite cups. I think that is so clever!
If you are a creative person, get a subscription! If you aren’t into magazines but know someone who is, getting an Uppercase subscription for a friend or family member is a great gift idea.